Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Reviews

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Reviews

The purpose of this article is to discuss Charlotte Personal Injury Lawyer reviews, and how you can use them to help you decide on a Charlotte personal injury attorney. Attorney reviews can tell you a lot about the attorney, the paralegals, and the general experience you will have with that particular Charlotte personal injury law firm.

Your Pain

Deciding on a Charlotte personal injury attorney can be difficult. You’re presented with numerous letters in the mail from attorneys. The television has non-stop advertisements for attorneys. Lastly, when you get online to search for a Charlotte personal injury attorney, the results can be overwhelming.

In many situations, you’ve recently lost a loved one due to personal injury, or you’ve experienced injuries such as a concussion, broken bone, or neck and back injuries. Your world was turned upside down in a moment. Sometimes due to an auto accident, sometimes a slip and fall. In many cases, our clients are passengers who played no role at all in the event – yet, they are in need of guidance and representation.

In conclusion, sorting through the options is the first step in deciding on an attorney and the Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews can help you to get a feeling for the experience others have had when working with a particular lawyer or law firm. The reviews you will read online contain important insights regarding how well the attorney communicated with the client, and whether the client was happy with the results.

Can I Trust Personal Injury Attorney Reviews?

Absent some reason not to believe them, it’s safe to assume that the reviews you read on are valid reviews for Charlotte personal injury attorneys. Reviews are typically left by one or all of the following:

Happy Clients—People who were represented by the Charlotte personal injury law firm. These individuals then decided to voice their opinion online so that potential clients would have an idea as to what their experience was working with the firm.

Angry Clients—These exist too, and they tend to be vocal. It’s often said that one bad review for a business shows a potential client that the business is not flawless. It may also show that the business or law firm is not trying to regulate their reviews. However, if you encounter numerous bad or “one star” reviews for a Charlotte personal injury law firm, it may be a sign to avoid them.

Colleagues—Often, a colleague or another business will leave a review for a law firm or for a business. Generally, this is a gesture where the colleague has had a good experience working with the business or the law firm and wants to voice support for the law firm or business. They do so by leaving a review.

Disgruntled Former Employees—While this is less often the case, sometimes angry former employees will leave a bad review for a business or law firm.

What Can I Learn From Personal Injury Attorney Reviews?

It is our belief that by reading the reviews left for a Charlotte personal injury law firm, you will get a sense of what it’s like to work with the firm. Some reviews discuss results achieved, others discuss the level of service the client received. The reviews can tell you quite a lot about the law firm or company and are best taken into consideration together with your direct communications with the law firm.

Can I Discuss A Bad Review With A Charlotte Personal Injury Law Firm?

If you read a bad review about a Charlotte personal injury law firm and would like to discuss it with the firm, we think that’s a reasonable request. Most likely, the law firm or attorney will remember the client and should be willing to discuss the review with you. No law firm is perfect. The law firm’s choice to honestly discuss why they received a bad review, or why you will not have the same experience as the upset client, is a feather in their cap and a sign you can trust them.

Are The Layton Law Firm’s Google Reviews Good?

We are very proud of our online reviews, and you can read them here: Layton Law Firm Google Reviews While not every client chooses to leave a review, the ones that do remind us how important each client’s legal matter is to them. The reviews also remind us that while clients are focused on results, they also are entitled to good communication and understanding. Clients who are going through a traumatic personal injury have an emotional experience in doing so. As a Charlotte personal injury law firm, we are just as proud of the results we achieve for our clients as we are proud of the relationships we form with our clients. Here is a sample of one of our reviews:

(5 STARS) Chris is a great lawyer! He’s very dedicated and committed to you from start to finish. We were working on my case for 2yrs before I settled! He communicated with me to make sure I was aware of everything and he made sure I got the most out of my settlement!!

Bridgett McKinley

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Reviews

In our opinion, Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews will tell you more about working with a specific law firm or attorney than anything else. If you’ve been in a car accident, have a work-related injury, or suffered a slip and fall, choosing a personal injury attorney is important, and can dramatically affect the outcome of your case. Typically, a Charlotte personal injury attorney review is written by a client who has worked from start to finish with a Charlotte personal injury law firm. The review is representative of the client’s actual experience with the firm, and when combined with other reviews, gives you priceless insight in deciding which Charlotte personal injury attorney to hire.

What A Law Firm Claims vs. How A Law Firm Actually Behaves

There are countless law firms with websites and commercials, all claiming they are the right choice for you. You’ve been injured, your case is worth money, and law firms want to represent you. The distinguishing factor between a website or commercial, and Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews, is that the reviews reflect the actual experience. The commercial or website is simply the upfront promise. It’s relatively easy to put together a glossy website or expensive commercial, and use it to bring in business. Without a doubt, it creates an impression upon the customer who is trying to decide whether to hire that particular Charlotte personal injury attorney.

Reviews, on the other hand, can give you an inside look at what it will actually be like to work with the law firm. The rest of this article will focus on what we believe to be the value of Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews, and how you can use them to make your decision.

One Bad Review Is Not The End Of The World

Let’s start off with the idea that if you do business long enough, you’re going to have an unhappy customer. Perhaps the result achieved was less than what the client thought or expected. Sometimes, the result is fine, but the client felt like the law firm or lawyer didn’t care for them, phone calls weren’t returned, the client did not feel like they were being updated regularly, etc.

In our opinion, whether it’s a law firm or a restaurant, a bad review can actually be taken as a sign that all the reviews collectively are an honest assessment of a client’s experience with the law firm. In other words, if every review was absolutely perfect, you may have a reason to be a little bit skeptical about the reviews. On the other hand, if 9 out of 10 of the Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews are horrible, that should also tell you something about the firm.

Thoughtful Clients Write Reviews

It takes a lot of effort and desire to write a review of a business. That typically means that the person writing the review feels very strongly about the review they are leaving. Nobody is forced to leave a review—in fact, lawyers are not allowed to provide incentives for reviews for ethical reasons. So, when someone chooses to write a review, it’s usually because they had a strong reaction to their experience with the lawyer or law firm. Essentially, most people don’t expect to get anything out of writing a review. So, it’s safe to assume they are trying to alert others who are deciding about the lawyer or law firm, to either hire them or find another person to represent them for their personal injury matter.

Does The Number Of Reviews Matter?

We think so, to some degree. If a large law firm helping thousands of clients a year in the Charlotte, NC area only has 12 reviews, that could be a bad sign. We want clients to have a very strong and positive reaction to working with us. Our goal is that the client is so excited about the result, and so excited about their choice to work with our firm, that they decide to write a review to express their excitement. If only one out of every few hundred people is doing that, perhaps the general experience with the firm is a mediocre one. While Google doesn’t show all reviews, the number of reviews and stars next to the lawyer or law firm’s name is something to consider. A single five-star review is probably not enough information to base your decision upon. Twenty or more five-star reviews seem sufficient to allow you to consider the reviews in your decision-making process.

What Are The Reviews Really Saying?

If you read between the lines in any client Google review, you can usually interpret the client’s experience. Our experience as a personal injury law firm is that people leave a review when they are happy with BOTH the result we achieved for them, and the way we went about achieving it. That is to say, the experience matters. You generally work with your Charlotte personal injury attorney for many months in order to try to resolve your personal injury claim. Many claims are extremely emotional. A client who leaves a great review for a Charlotte personal injury law firm is usually trying to say “This law firm cares.” We think it’s the greatest compliment a law firm can receive.

How We Help

Once you’ve sorted through the Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews, you can decide on one or two firms you think you would like to work with. Your next step would be to have a phone consultation with the firm you’re considering. Here are a few key questions you should ask them, and here are samples of the answers you will receive from our firm.

QUESTION: Do I Have A Good Personal Injury Case?

ANSWER: First of all, the lawyer should ask you a few questions about the facts of your case to help the lawyer determine whether there is a liability. Accidents happen all the time. Furthermore, whether you have a valid claim against another party depends upon whether they were at fault. In North Carolina, it also matters if you contributed to the accident in any way. This is part of the premise of Contributory Negligence.

QUESTION: How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

ANSWER: A typical answer is that cases can drag on and on. Truthfully, it depends on the facts. While this is true, our firm has a schedule we will present to you based upon your last date of medical treatment. From that point forward, we have target dates for each phase of your personal injury claim or case. We provide you periodic updates. As a result, we make sure you know that things are progressing, and we’re always here if you want an unscheduled update.

QUESTION: How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

ANSWER: You should be nervous about any personal injury law firm that will tell you what your case is worth without first researching the facts surrounding the case, and identifying the extent of your injuries and your medical treatment. If you have lost wages that can be verified by an employer, the value of your case changes as well. Therefore, we will know more about the value of your case once we begin working on your case.

QUESTION: Why Should I Choose The Layton Law Firm?

ANSWER: Rather than boast about our unique results, the honest answer is we believe many law firms can get a great result for you. We consider ourselves to be one of those firms. In addition to good results though, you need a lawyer and legal team who cares about you and understands what you’re going through. It’s not enough just to do a good job on the claim. Consequently, you should feel like you were important along the way. We do this by giving you regular updates and helping you understand where we are in the claim process, and what the next steps are in an attempt to resolve your case favorably.

Next Steps: Call To Speak With An Attorney Today

If you’re looking through Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews, you’ll find we have many favorable reviews. We are especially proud of those reviews. We are proud that clients chose to go online and leave such wonderful remarks about working with us. Those reviews especially remind us that the client is what matters most.

If you would like to speak with a Charlotte personal injury attorney about your case, please call us at 704.749.7747, or click HERE to quickly schedule a free consultation. We know you have options. We hope you choose to Recover With Us.

Meet Founding Attorney Christopher D. Layton

Charlotte Personal Injury &
Bankruptcy Attorney

Meet Chris Layton, J.D., the founder and lead attorney of The Layton Law Firm. Chris holds a B.A. in Journalism from The University of Maryland at College Park and a J.D. from Wake Forest University. He is a member in good standing of the North Carolina Bar Association, the Federal Bar Association – Western District of North Carolina, and the Mecklenburg Bar Association. He has been practicing law in Charlotte since 2000 and currently focuses on the plaintiff’s needs and the individual needs of bankruptcy and real estate clients.

The Layton Law Firm focuses on the needs of clients who would otherwise be taken advantage of. Chris leads the firm in addressing the needs of people who have been harmed by the actions of others or who struggle financially.

20+ Years Serving North Carolina