Nursing Home Abuse

North Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

According to statistics, there are more than 36,000 nursing facility residents in North Carolina, and if you or a loved one has been a victim of abuse in a nursing home, our North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyer is here to help you. When someone needs advanced medical attention and care, nursing homes provide care that loved ones are incapable of providing. However, overcrowding, underfunding, and overworked employees often lead to nursing home abuse and neglect. You’re entitled to know your rights and may be able to receive compensation after suffering from abuse.

Our attorney Chris Layton became a lawyer to help people who would otherwise be taken advantage of, and he is prepared to help defend your rights and in your nursing home abuse case. As a North Carolina resident for over 20 years, and with over a decade of legal experience, he is dedicated to serving members of his community with their legal needs. To discuss your case with our team and find out how we can assist you, contact The Layton Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation.

Recognizing The Signs Of Abuse and Neglect

The CDC has recently released a report that claims that more than half a million adults aged 60 or above are neglected, exploited, or abused every year in the United States. In addition, about 15% of the elderly may deal with some kind of abuse or neglect. Only 20% of these cases are actually reported. Understanding the signs of abuse is a crucial part of protecting yourself and your loved ones.

Nursing home abuse ranges from physical abuse to emotional abuse and can also include sexual abuse as well as neglect. In order to determine if you or your elderly loved one has suffered abuse or neglect in a nursing home, look for the signs. Some of these signs include bruising, dehydration, dirty clothing, abrupt changes in finances, improper medical or dental care, fatigue, and poor hygiene.

Frequently Asked Questions

Report suspected abuse to local authorities, adult protective services, or a lawyer who specializes in nursing home abuse to ensure proper investigation and legal action.

Yes, you can file a lawsuit against a nursing home if there is evidence of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. A lawyer can help you gather evidence and pursue legal action.

Seeking Compensation Through A Personal Injury Claim

It is crucial to understand that nursing home abuse and neglect are considered personal injury in North Carolina and give rise to a valid reason to seek compensation. Our North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyer is here to answer all your questions and help you protect your loved one from further abuse while seeking compensation for past nursing home neglect or abuse.

In addition to on-site abuse and neglect, nursing home facilities can also be held accountable for neglectful transport of an individual, such as if your loved one has been a passenger in a car accident while being transported by a nursing home or agent of the nursing home you may have a claim.

The Emotional Side Of Nursing Home Abuse

Not only is placing a loved one under the care of a nursing home facility difficult, but for many clients, the decision to hire our North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyer to assist with a nursing home abuse claim is also difficult. The victim may fear retaliation by the nursing home, or an eviction from the nursing home if the facility finds out that you are pursuing a claim against them. While these are valid concerns, it is all the more reason to consult a personal injury lawyer and take steps to further separate your loved one from the facility.

Contact Our North Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Today

If you suspect that something is wrong or has gone wrong with the care of yourself or a family member, consult with our North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyer today. Our attorney has experience and knowledge that immediately help you clarify your options and move forward with confidence. Not only will you save your loved ones from additional suffering in the form of abuse and neglect, but you’ll also play a critical role in preventing this abuse from happening to others. If you would like to speak with an attorney about nursing home abuse or neglect, please contact The Layton Law Firm today at 704.749.7747. You can also request a phone consultation online.